Video Visit

What does VIDEO VISIT or E-VISIT mean?

This is a type of Telehealth that allows us to work together at your convenience from wherever you are! All you need is an internet connection and a device with a microphone and video capabilities. This can be a smartphone, tablet, or computer.

My model allows you to choose any combination of in-person visits and video visits. You may want your initial session to be in person and do follow-ups by Video Visit with an occasional in-person touchstone. Alternatively, you may prefer that all of your sessions are in-person or all are Video Visits. This is entirely customizable based on what works best for YOU.

Video Visits are able to accomplish the same things as traditional physical therapy such as complete history, postural evaluation, mobility assessment, exercise prescription, and education. Even though hands-on treatment cannot be part of a video visit, this is not something that is needed for every condition or every patient.

I will teach YOU to help you feel better!