Weight Management

Have you been told to EAT LESS and MOVE MORE?

Over and OVER again. Just in different ways?

It's time to leave the weight loss fads behind.

Welcome to the Transitions Lifestyle System® (TLS)

TLS Weight Loss Solution is a customizable, science-based program designed to fit you and your unique lifestyle.

We believe that weight loss is personal, which is why we offer multiple personalized programs to help you reach your goals.

While other programs tell you what they think works; with TLS, it’s all about what works for YOU.

And that is really the only way to get results that last.

7-Day Detox

The 7-Day Detox is the perfect BOOST or KICK-START for your weight management journey. It will curb your appetite for sweet, salty, and fatty foods, while supporting your weight management efforts.

Whether you are just getting started, or pushing through a plateau, this short 4-7 day program is not a huge commitment and isn't too overwhelming. It comes with support and guidelines, but can also be customized to your own program and lifestyle.

This detox plan comes with 7 days worth of NutriClean supplements, a menu plan, recipe book, and guidelines to keep you on track. This program is ideal if you have 2 weeks or less to give yourself a boost or if you have felt stuck in a rut with your current plan and need a little help to get going again.

Just give us a week. You won't regret it!

* These supplement recommendations are based on research. However, they are not intended as a prescription from Dana Palmer Physical Therapy, nor do they establish a treating relationship with Dr. Dana Palmer, PT. Always consult your primary care provider before taking any supplement to assess its appropriateness for your specific situation.

30-Day Jump Start

The 30-day Jump Start program is the best way to begin your weight management journey. It starts with education, a realistic REAL FOOD menu plan, tracking sheet, an exercise guide, and supplements to help you get the most out of your effort. NO counting points, calories, or macros. Just a customizable plan that gets RESULTS.

This program is ideal if you have 2 months or less to get started or reach your goals. It will give you REAL results in that time and get you started on a longer term health and weight management program.

* These supplement recommendations are based on research. However, they are not intended as a prescription from Dana Palmer Physical Therapy, nor do they establish a treating relationship with Dr. Dana Palmer, PT. Always consult your primary care provider before taking any supplement to assess its appropriateness for your specific situation.

*Always consult your primary care provider before beginning any new supplement. This is especially true if you are taking medications or other supplements because there can be harmful interactions that you may not be aware of.